What Can I Consign?

At the Upscale Weesale, we’re very picky about what we sell.
Below are the items that we accept at our sale.

🌸✨ Spring 2025 ✨🌸
WeeSale Acceptable Items
Spring/Summer quality, fresh, clean clothes (no buttons missing, stains, holes, or out-of-date styles please.) If your child is in middle school, please don’t consign their baby clothes. A good rule of thumb is five years, max. Clothing is inspected VERY closely under very good lighting.
Infant & Children’s Clothing: Newborn thru 20
Due to the large number of infant clothes we receive, we must enforce 100 items total per gender from 0 – 12 mo.
Multiple outfits can be grouped as one item if priced as a set with one price tag. Price low! New Mamas & Papas get lots of infant clothing due to baby showers and gifts, so you must price them competitively! Outfits with 2 or more pieces will be accepted as 1 item.
- Pajamas – no heavy fleece at the spring sale. No shorty PJs at the Fall sale.
- Short-sleeved polos and khaki/navy shorts are accepted year-round sizes 5 and up to accommodate school uniforms.
- For the Fall sale, there are no short sleeves unless boutique brand, collegiate/professional sports, or polos suitable for school uniforms. We also accept athletic dri-fit like Under Armour or Adidas year round.
- Jeans of all sizes are accepted year-round.
- Teen Girl Clothing – Name-brand clothing ONLY! No “mom clothes” please. Teens are very style conscious! No Alfred Dunner, Chicos, The Limited, or other women targeted brands. Limit 50!
- Teen Boy Clothing – All seasons, year-round, sizes 12 and larger. NO fleece at the Spring sale!
- Boutique Clothing – Boutique brands are hot at the WeeSale! We have a dedicated section for our boutique brands. See the list above! This list is not all-inclusive; they change every day.
- Maternity – Max ~10~ per consignor. Any season, but it must be hung on velvet hangers.
- Dance Attire
- Outerwear & Jackets – Lightweight Jackets year-round, heavy coats Fall only.
- Halloween and Dress Up –
🎃 Halloween costumes are sold exclusively during our Fall sale. For the Spring sale, we’ll only accept dress-up clothes—no Halloween costumes will be accepted.
- Sports Equipment
- Shoes LIMIT 15 per gender per consignor. Tennis shoes must be in new condition. All shoes must be zip-tied together or placed in zip loc type bags. *Note – If you wash your shoes, please ensure they are completely dry before putting them in a ziploc bag, or they will mildew.
- Socks – Unsold socks will not be sorted or returned to consignors. All socks will be donated.
- Boys and Girls Accessories – socks, hats, mittens, bows, belts, etc.
- Toys should be in good working order with all necessary pieces and batteries. We will deduct a $5.00 fee if your item is returned to us due to missing parts. Habitual abusers will be banned from consigning. Trademarked stuffed animals that have a function or require batteries are OK. Elmo, Dora, Disney, etc…
- Games – Board games & electronic. MUST HAVE ALL PARTS ($5.00 fee if there are missing items and your item is returned during the sale.)
- Puzzles – MUST have all pieces.
- Video Games – all systems accepted, please make sure they work!
- Books– LIMIT 40 – Children’s books for all ages, Best Selling paperback & hardcover books for adults, and books on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. No adult cookbooks. Do not bundle more than 3 books!
- Crafts
- Musical Instruments
- Outdoor Play Equipment – huge sellers at Weesale!
** Consignors are asked to assemble all equipment at drop-off. Please check for recalls and install the required batteries.
- Bedrails
- Bumbo’s – be sure they have a security belt!
- Doorway jumpers
- High chairs
- Walkers
- Exersaucers
- Infant Swings
- Pack N’ Play’s, Playpens and port-a-cribs.
- Safety gates
- Strollers and Joggers
Accepted sizes:
- Newborn through teen clothing and shoes
- Sports apparel
- Purses
- Backpacks and lunch boxes
- Accessories
- Gliders/Rockers
- Cribs/Beds
- High Chairs
- Changing Tables
- Toy Organizers
- Decor
- Due to space constraints, no household furniture will be accepted.
- Video Game Systems
- Games
- No DVD’s or VHS
- Infant Tubs & Towels
- Potty Chairs Must be sanitized!
- Bicycles
- Power Wheels
- Slides
- Wagons
- Sporting Equipment
- Toys
- Books
- Games
- Puzzles
- Doll Houses
- Kitchens
- Tool Benches
- Tents
- Arts & Crafts
- Maternity Clothing (max 10)
- Boppy Pillows
- Maternity Books
- Car Seats are no longer accepted for consignment with The Upscale WeeSale. The only exception will be brand new with tags.
- Stroller/Car Seat combo systems can be sold as a stroller only.